Day 16 – Writing Challenge – You are allowed to change one thing in your life. What will it be?
Welcome to Day 16 of the Writing Challenge. Here is another day of the challenge to share what you want to do if you are allowed to change one thing in your life.
There is also the below topic to check that shall help you remove any misconceptions you might have about writing.
Another topic of the day – 5 Important Misconceptions about Writing
You are allowed to change one thing in your life. What will it be?
Have you ever wondered why only three wishes were allowed by Genie on Arabian nights? So that whoever asks for his wish-fulfillment thinks deeply about what is truly needed that will make their life better and make them abundant.
If Genie asked for more, I am sure it would have made the person happier but also greedier to ask for everything that is not even required. But since they have unlimited wishes, they will ask for it and ruin their lives.
If you are allowed to change one thing in your life without any Genie involved, what will it be?
When you attempt to write today’s challenge, think about all that has led your life to where you are today. Is there anything that you think would have been different had you taken a different action or had you taken an action?
When I think about changing one thing in my life, many things come to my mind. But maybe it was meant to be that way so that I could carve out my current life the way it is now. We all have our ups and downs and it is the same ups and downs that make our life beautiful. But sometimes we come across a situation in which we do not have control and we let it control our life.
You can also think about such a time when you regret taking an action for someone else too. We all have the power to make a change in our lives. You can also write about those incidents which you feel could have turned out differently. Your vision has taken the wrong path and now you can write it down and think about it if there is a way to correct it. If not, then let it go and you create a new opportunity on the current path.
Sometimes things do not go according to our will and that is the only time when we should be flexible, not hard like a dead branch. We can grow only when we become flexible.
So think about that moment when you felt like changing your decision. Do not let it overburden your current life but let it pass off your mind once and for all so that new things can take place and create better things in life.
5 Important Misconceptions about Writing
A misconception is something that is not an accurate understanding of the topic. We form a wrong idea that sticks to our mind until challenged by someone’s knowledge or our curious introspection.
When we try to take up new work, we have a lot of things going on in our minds. We question our understanding because it has been overpowered by the negativity of misconceptions.
Let us see the 5 important misconceptions about writing that we come across often and should not become a roadblock if you are planning to start a writing career.
- Writing is an inborn talent
Most of us think that writing is in genes or one is born with this talent. This is not always true. Writing is an art that can be learned and we can get better with practice. One has to be dedicated to it to hone the craft. You need to believe first that you can be a writer. Only if people keep themselves away from this misconception, can great minds discover their potential.
It can be an inborn talent for some but it does not have to be for everyone. So it is one of the most path-wrecking misconceptions that people carry in their minds. This can play an important role when deciding a career and if one is surrounded by misconception, they cannot make the right choice.
- For writing, you need to adopt an anti-social life
It is believed that writers are very introverted and anti-social. They do not like to interact and have a limited interest in socializing. But this does happen in most careers. In every field of work, we have people who are introverts, extroverts, or a mix of both. This applies to the career in writing too. So it is not to be generalized for writing career that it has people who keep themselves away from social gatherings or interactions.
Nowadays, writers are very active on social media and they interact with their admirers and critics. Some writers keep themselves away from the spotlight but that does not mean every writer is introverted or anti-social. It is a choice they make and it has nothing to do with the writing field.
- Writers are always inspired
One of the biggest concerns of beginners is how will they get inspired and get ideas to keep writing. What if they cannot get more ideas in the future then what will they do? It happens with every writer when they start writing. They are not always inspired and they also get stuck or there is a mental block for them too even if the writers are experienced and highly acclaimed for their work.
Inspiration or no inspiration, writers need to keep writing and that is the only way to keep going. Once you get your first draft done, you can then think about making it better and may add better ideas to that particular work. But do not think that all writers are always inspired. As a writer, you need to keep learning all the time.
- You need to be great at writing to start your novel
Nobody is a bestseller writer from the day they start. It is only through editing and critically analyzing their work, do they write a good novel. You need to learn to put down your story and get started. The rest will follow. This is one of the misconceptions that you have to be a great writer to start writing a novel.
You need to have a great story to write a good novel. Many start slow with a draft that needs editing and finishing. So get ahead of this misconception, and get started with your novel. You may face problems during this process but it is all part of the learning. If the novel looks difficult to start, you can begin with a short story too.
Below is a link to a blog post that might help you decide what you want to start first:
Story categories as per word limit
- No worries after getting published
Once you complete your writing and get published, your real struggle will start. You will have to keep yourself ready to handle the applause and also face the criticisms. Your book will be there for readers and they shall give you feedback that will play an important role in your career.
Your book may be liked by people which shall be great for you and you may get enthusiastically started on your next book. The same action should follow even if your first book does not work. It is how you act when you face the consequences of your choice.
The trail of misconceptions about writing comes to an end. I would like to highlight that do not fall prey to such misconceptions and analyze what you get to know from others. Try to understand the idea or concept correctly or you may be miles away from your dreams.
I hope the article on “5 important misconceptions about writing” helped you.
With sharing that one thing you want to change in your life, today’s challenge ends, and it’s time to make new space for the next day’s challenge.
The link that can take you to all the 30-day writing challenges has been provided below: