Day 16 to Day 20 – Song Challenge

Welcome to the brand new week of the Song Challenge where we will share new songs and create new memories. It feels great to unleash new words every week and enjoy every moment of it. As you ponder over the memories, simply be in the moment. Being in the moment is one of the most difficult things nowadays. You will feel always anxious about your future or get upset over your past. Let the songs keep you in the present moment. Look around and feel the song here and now.

You can check the entire list of the words for the whole month in the below link:

30-Day Song Challenge – Word Version Checklist

Day 16 – Night

As the night approaches, there is calm around and fewer noises except for the crickets. During this time of the day, we feel so close to ourselves. We should reflect upon the day. This is the best time to do that. When you reflect, play some calming music in the background and let your thoughts gather on paper.

Let the good ones stay and the bad ones leave your mind forever. Do not take it further. Let the pain, anger, and regret stay in that night and as you go to sleep, believe that your life will get into the perfect rhythm as the song you are listening to right then.

Song for the challenge:

Day 17 – Happy

Happy are those days when we do not overthink and spoil the good moments. Happy are those days when we do not spend time judging others for their choices and live our life enjoying every moment that is there with us. The only thing that matters in this world is time. The more we lose in staying anxious and worried about the future, the less happy will be our lives.

Take a pledge to stay optimistic with a little practicality but do not overthink the things that you do not have control over. Being happy does not mean life will be all good all the time but you have to choose whether you want to waste your time complaining or you want to do things or activities that make you and others happy.

Today, as you take the challenge, choose a song that makes you happy. It does not have to get validation from anyone. Just you and your song are more than enough now to create a happy moment.

Song for the challenge:

Day 18 – Write

When I see the word “Write” and think about a song that has this word, most of the songs that come to my mind are related to the letters that are written to the beloved when they stay far away from each other. Quite a contrasting situation can be when you write a “goodbye” letter to someone. Pick your song wisely and something that relates to you currently.

Song for the challenge:

Day 19 – Second

Seconds are so important. We all need a second chance to start a new life where we do not repeat the mistakes we did earlier. We all need a second hand in the clock that keeps moving and reminding us that clock is ticking and there is no time to waste and each second counts.

Second is not just a word, it is a whole new horizon of motivation when you have lost your first battle. You should not stop there because after your first battle comes the second and it’s waiting right there and you have all the strength to win it this time.

Try listening to a song you did not like the first time and check if you can still form a new opinion about it. The song needs to be an old one so that you can also know if your taste in music has changed or it has evolved with time.

Song for the challenge:

Day 20 – Say

Think of a song that speaks out to you. For today’s song challenge, the word is “Say”. Think of the songs with the word in song lyrics. It can be in any language but the meaning stays the same.

Song for the challenge:

Suman Mandal

User Experience Designer | Blogger | I am passionate about taking up daily challenges and improve myself. I love to motivate others to take each step towards a better self through a set of challenges to keep oneself committed to it. Hope you are too! Do you want to know what are the challenges that can help you build a better self and take you towards a successful life?

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