30-Day Self-Care Challenge – Take care of yourself

Self-care is something we all need to practice each day. Taking a few min to take care of our physical, mental, and emotional health will keep us healthy and happy in the long run. Self-care should not start when you are in despair but when it should be a part of your life like waking up each day.

We often confuse self-care with selfishness but it is not true. Selfishness will let you think only about your goals, and prioritize without considering others but self-care is giving a part of your life to yourself without hurting others.

Take a notebook and two sections, one for what is happening right in your life and the other for what is not working out for you. Closely notice whether you are ignoring certain areas in your life to make other areas better. It is good to hustle sometimes but keeping the balance in life is what we need to adopt in our life instead of losing sleep.

I am adding below the 30-day tasks to shift your focus to your self-care for a while. Save it and tick them as much as possible. Take care.

Self-care is not something to do only for 30 days but it gives you a start and once you complete 30 days, you make it a habit and eventually add it as part of your life and you pay attention to them effortlessly without taking it as a task.

How to take the challenge:

  • One prompt for each day
  • Take the prompt and complete the task
  • Record each day in your diary and state how you feel
30-Day Self-care Challenge checklist

The Self-Care Challenge is going to be fun and I cannot wait to hear from you all. Give it a try and I am sure you will love it!

Challenges that will help you:

Suman Mandal

User Experience Designer | Blogger | I am passionate about taking up daily challenges and improve myself. I love to motivate others to take each step towards a better self through a set of challenges to keep oneself committed to it. Hope you are too! Do you want to know what are the challenges that can help you build a better self and take you towards a successful life?

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