Day 9 – Gratitude Challenge – 5 Things you love about yourself
Welcome to Day 9 of the Gratitude Challenge. Today we will discuss self-love and think about the 5 things you love about yourself. We will express gratitude to ourselves today for being able to see the good in ourselves. Nowadays we are becoming very occupied and distracted with everything around us and also affected by others. That is why it is essential to remind ourselves that life is good and no one is perfect so embrace yourself with the black and white you see in yourself.
Instead of thinking about what others think about us, we need to focus on what we think of ourselves. Stand in front of a mirror and analyze how you look and feel. If you have not been taking care of your physical and mental health, you must start doing that. If you are not well, how can you take care of others in your life?
You can see the entire list of the 30-Day Gratitude Challenge in the below link:
5 things you love about yourself is a doable list and I hope you can see and appreciate the good in you. It can be anything from being able to dance, write, do standup comedy, being a perfectionist, being a hippie, or being sensitive, caring, loving, compassionate, kind, or assertive. By acknowledging your good things, you give yourself the confidence and also know your worth.
There was a time when I used to be full of doubt about myself. It seemed that I having difficulty dealing with people or achieving what I wanted then I realized maybe I was going the wrong path and needed to appreciate the kind of person I am rather than trying to fit in everywhere. I am unique and need not find a set of friends who are exactly like me. It will be quite boring if you find people exactly like you. What you need to look for is, to find a set of people who accept you the way you are and appreciate. But more than they appreciate you, you need to acknowledge how wonderful you are.
If you believe in yourself, the whole world will believe in you too. Take a notebook or a gratitude journal and write down five good things that come to your mind when you think about yourself. Good luck!