Day 1 to Day 5 – Song Challenge – Word Version
Welcome to a new version of the Song Challenge called the Word version. In this, we will share a song that has a particular word in the lyrics as given in the checklist. Language is not a constraint.
To see the checklist, check the below link:
30-Day Song Challenge – Word Version Checklist
Day 1 – Understand
“Understanding” forms the basis of any relationships we form in our life. We fail to understand others and in turn lose them, or when we fail to understand ourselves, we doom ourselves to self-doubt and blame game.
You may be so much in love but if you do not understand what the other person needs, you can never preserve the same emotion for long. So next time you take anything for granted, shrug it off and listen so that you understand yourself and others around you.
Song for the challenge:
Day 2 – Light
Light is something whose existence is so much connected with darkness. Like lies exist with truth and black with white. It sheds on a lie and shatters the manipulation of the people around you. It brightens up your day and lets you soak all that is pure and positive.
When dealing with relationships, it is so much important to become each other’s source of encouragement and always shine even in the darkest times. Darkness is a test and one who stays with you even in the darkest hours is your true sunshine.
Song for the challenge:
Day 3 – See
We may look all day but what do we see? Do we see all that is in front of us and express our gratitude? Do we realize what are not seeing? Nowadays we are so busy with our phones and social media that we seldom see the people around us who are putting efforts to brighten our life.
Sit and try to see what is there around you. Is there anything that has recently changed or that needs your attention? You will come across a lot of realizations related to your priorities in life through this simple activity. You need to look at what is your priority and check if you are not paying attention to someone who is there in front of you and craving to be seen.
Song for the challenge:
Day 4 – Love
We may never be able to define love in sentences. When you feel love for someone and cannot let go of the emotions, let the other person know about it. But when you confess, do not keep conditions or expectations on how that person will respond. Believing that you falling in love with someone does not mean the other person will have the same feelings for you.
If you keep conditions, you are bound to get hurt if it is not reciprocated in the same way as you have imagined. But why is that always important?
Unconditional love helps you experience love in the purest form which does not want anything back and learns to love yourself more. Even if you do not get it back, you have got nothing to lose. It can be painful but if you create a wall for the pain, you will also create it for the love.
Song for the challenge:
Day 5 – Remember
I love this word. When I hear the word “Remember”, it aches my heart to feel all that was left inside and buried for long to never look back again. Any song that has these words is so emotional that it drains all your focus on the present and takes it back to the past where you do not want to travel at all.
Some memories are good to look at but what do we do about those good memories that make us sad today? Does it not hurt to remember those people who are no longer with us? Keep them safe in your hearts where they can remain forever. Today when you think of a song that makes you nostalgic, remember to let the emotions heal and keep you in a better place somewhere you would want to stay.
Song for the challenge:
With this word version, we have begun on another musical journey and a new path towards healing. Music works as a healer in our life so spend some time sharing and listening to your favorite songs. Music helps us to increase our soul energy so listen to songs that calm your soul.