Day 10 – Gratitude Challenge – People who inspire
Welcome to Day 10 of the Gratitude Challenge. Today we will be expressing gratitude for all the people who inspire us daily and keep us going forward. Life is full of ups, downs, and plateaus. We do not feel good all the time and we also do not feel bad all the time. But when we feel low, just spending time with friends and talking to them lifts our mood. People who inspire you to keep going can be anyone.
For me, I get inspired by people who can do the routine work and find peace in that and I also get inspired by people who go away from the mundane life and create exciting life for themselves. I feel I need both, so I need both people in my life. I like the excitement of the unknown and sudden plans but I also like the comfort and relaxed predictable environment of my routine.
You can see the entire list of the 30-Day Gratitude Challenge in the below link:
Take a notebook and write down all the names of all the people you know or are important to you daily. Then run an analysis on why are you with them. What do you both have common in? This exercise will also help you analyze those people whom you do not want in your life but that is for some other day. Today we will focus on those people who inspire us and express gratitude for them.
We all have those people who are important to us but we seldom thank them or tell them that they are important. It is so important that you express that. Once you have figured out the list of people who inspire you, note down beside their names what aspect of them inspires you and what have you done based on the inspiration.
We do get inspired daily but inspiration without action is futile. The inspiration will fade if we do not take action on it so make an action list now based on that list and get going. So this simple list that you already have can help you a long way in making your life better.
Inspiration is like the phasing moon which is full when you are highly inspired but slowly it waxes out life the moon until the night of the new moon appears. Then again we find something inspirational or someone inspiring and a full moon arrives. Our goal is not to become the phasing in and out moon but to become the star that shines with its constant light that never fades away.
Once you know the people who inspire you, thank them for being in your life. Work on the inspiration you get from them, and take action to ultimately become the star.
I am happy to have completed day 10 of the challenge and as we move along, I will also take the challenge myself and post about it.