Day 6 – Gratitude Challenge – Reflect on your relationship with your parents
Welcome to Day 6 of the Gratitude Challenge. Today we will talk about reflecting on our relationship with our parents. There will always be differences of opinion between our parents and us and we might think they do not understand us. But all they are trying to do is be better parents and they deal with us based on their experiences.
Today we will feel gratitude for our parents. They are our blessings in our life even with the lessons they give. We should feel gratitude for their presence because many wish to have their parents who would call them and ask them what they ate, and how they are doing, and push them to do something better for themselves.
While I was in school, I always dreamt of going to college in a different city and living life on my own and when I did, I realized how I missed being around them and someone to have in life who loves you unconditionally. We may have fights and later we will find that our parents do forgive us and do anything to see us good in life.
You can see the entire list of the 30-Day Gratitude Challenge in the below link:
There are many sacrifices that our parents have made to give us the good life and we should feel gratitude for that. Be happy and grateful to share your life with your parents in the past or even today. We are humans and they are too. They always want what’s best for us but they may not be always perfect. You accept them wholeheartedly with their flaws too and let go of any resentments you may have towards them. Imagine a happy time with them and live that too.
Time passes quickly and do not let the time go when you can reach out to your parents with a call and remind them how important they are in your life. Be aware of their presence and be attentive when they talk. Respect that they love you and will always do.
Below is a short article on the ways to spend time with your parents:
How to spend time with your parents?
In today’s challenge, not only write about your parents, but also resolve the issues if any, and build the bond again. Just tell them how much you miss them and love them and do it unconditionally. Call them and ask them how they are doing and if they need anything or plan something with them and spend quality time with your parents.