Day 11 to Day 15 – Song Challenge – Word Version
Welcome to another week of Song Challenge. As days pass by, songs stick to us like our fellow travelers in our journey called life. It simply stays by our side no matter what the situation. It heals us and it lets us express our current feelings through songs. Let us, deep-dive, into the ocean where we want to uncover more about ourselves through songs.
You can look at the below link in case you want to see the entire list of prompts:
30-Day Song Challenge – Word Version Checklist

Day 11 – Lies
Thoughts that need to change:
As we wake up and start a new day or new life, there are some thoughts that we should change to live a life filled with positivity and peace of mind.

Song for the challenge:
Day 12 – Heart
Everyday life rules to keep your heart at peace:
- Balance
I am capable to handle all my responsibilities by myself but a little help will not harm me. It will help me keep a balance in life.
- Assertive
I need to take a stand for myself. I do not need to hurt someone for that. I can express my opinions and also understand others’ perspectives.
- Self-care
I have many responsibilities and I am too busy with them but I also need to give myself some time to relax and rejuvenate.

Song for the challenge:
Day 13 – Never
10 things you should never sacrifice for a relationship:
- Career – Relationships are important but it is also equally important to have individuality. It is okay to be ambitious and it is also okay to want a successful career. I am not saying to ignore your relationships or your other responsibilities or priorities but working for a good career is not something we should sacrifice. A good partner will always understand that and will never let the relationship get in the way of your career.
- Hobbies – We feel so good to spend time with the people we love but it is also important that you do not forget the other part of your life where you take some time and continue your hobbies too. This way you are happy and it also helps to maintain a happy relationship.
- Dreams – It is so important that your dreams are still alive after you get into a relationship. Not just yours, your partner should also have dreams of his or her own. No one can remain satisfied supporting the other person’s dream for long so work on your dreams too.
- Beliefs – Relationships should never force you to change your beliefs unless it is your choice.
- Happiness – Relationships are meant to keep us strong, help us grow with love, care and communication and it is highly meant to keep us happy and content in life, but if you have to sacrifice the things that make you happy, then it is time that you get a reality check.
- Kind of person you are – No one should be made to feel guilty or embarrassed for the kind of person they are. You are unique and you will have good and bad qualities and so will the other person.
- Mental peace – It is so important that relationships do not take away our mental peace. Once in a while is understandable but if it is happening frequently, you need to analyze and have a conversation about it.
- Your family and friends – The time you spend with your family and friends is so important. Nobody should be made to sacrifice them. You need their love and support too and they too need yours.
- Freedom to make choices – Freedom to make choices in our life are highly empowering. We should be able to make decisions and choices that we feel are right.
- Time for yourself – Self-care is of utmost importance in our life. We need to spend time daily to keep ourselves happy. Our happiness is our responsibility and we should make sure we are spending that time taking care of ourselves regularly otherwise it will affect your relationship too. So never sacrifice that for a relationship.

Song for the challenge:
Day 14 – Call
Take a break and Call it a day:
We follow a routine in our life. We wake up, eat breakfast and start our work for the day. Sometimes, we feel frustrated and nothing seems to work out in our favor. When such a day arrives, do not be too harsh on yourself and take a break. “Call it a day” means to take a break and discontinue the tasks you were doing for that day. It’s a great way to relax and give yourself some love and start again the next with a rejuvenated soul and mind.

Song for the challenge:
Day 15 – Stay
6 ways to stay focused:
- Practice Pomodoro Method – In this method, you can set a timer for 25 minutes of focused work and take a 5 min break and start over again.
- Practice the Mindfulness Meditation technique – This practice will calm your mind and bring about a balance in all your chakras.
- Create S-M-A-R-T goals – The full form for this is Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-bound.
- Keep your phone on silent and do not check it regularly – Notifications on the phone can be a major distraction so it is better to avoid them when you have a task to complete.
- Avoid Multitasking – Multitasking has not been productive and you should do one task at a time. This improves the focus of the individual.
- Get 7 to 8 hours of sleep regularly

Song for the challenge:
We have come so far in the 30-Day Song Challenge and still many songs to go till we complete this challenge. So stay tuned and I will keep adding the songs for you.