Day 16 to Day 20 – Song Challenge
Healing is not a day’s work. It takes time and effort. Music is one such thing that helps everyone on the healing path. When we change our state of mind to a better state full of happiness and fun, we also attract all that is good for our healing. Song Challenge continues to heal!
Day 16 – A Song that drives you to dance
Dance the way you want to… Songs can put us in a mood to dance and when we feel low, just get up, put on a song, and dance like never before. This way you will be able to shift your energy from low to high attracting healing and peace of mind.
We all need a reason to dance. Some are too shy to admit and some of us just can’t wait for an occasion. If people scare you, close your door and get yourself moving. Lose the thought and fear of getting judged for the way you dance. The more we care about others, the more unhappy we are in our life daily life.
We all have some songs in our mind that makes us dance. List down the playlist that specifically makes you dance. Name the playlist as “Dance it Out” and play when you want to lift your soul up and free it from the burden of overthinking.

There is no better break than a few minutes of dancing. If there are friends who do not want to dance, make them comfortable and enjoy your time with them. Dance brings people closer. Try dancing with someone special and you will feel the rush of joy in your heart and soul.
These songs that make you dance need special mention. They will always have a positive effect, so keep the playlist closer and use it on a rainy day when you are out of inspiration and want a way out of your monotonous life.
I have put down a song that makes me dance. What’s yours?
Song for Today’s Challenge
- Cheap Thrills
If you do not keep track of those songs that make you dance, do it today. We will move ahead to Day 17 for now in this challenge.
Day 17 – A Song that has “Moon” in the lyrics
Moon has been used in songs so vastly that it might not take much time to think of a song that has “Moon” in the lyrics. It can be in any language. What matters is that the word “Moon” should be highlighted in the song and should be clear in the lyrics.
Moon inspires the poets and writers to pen down the most beautiful poetry and stories. It adds magic to thoughts, feelings, bonds, and hearts. It connects everyone wherever they are through its presence.

Next time when you are leaning on the balcony of the window of your room and your eyes take a glance at the moon, look deeply. Think of the person you want to share the moment with in the presence of the moonlight.
I have listed out a song with “Moon” in the lyrics. Could you think of any? If yes, then let us know.
Songs for Today’s Challenge
- Talking To The Moon
- Chand Chupa Badal Mein
As we glance away from the Moon, we move ahead in the challenge with a new prompt.
Day 18 – A Song that is your best friend’s favorite
We always need that one best friend no matter how many friends we have on social media. You share everything with your best friends. The good, the bad, the sad, and the mood swings too. Nobody gets you more than your best friend.
You know almost everything about them, what they like, what annoys them and you make sure to annoy them too and vice-versa. Your relationship with your best friend goes through ups and downs too but eventually, all’s well that goes well.
Today is the time to look back and do a check and remind yourself how much you know or remember about your best friend too. What is that one song that is your best friend’s favorite?
If you do not know, then it’s time you find out.

Songs for Today’s Challenge
- Kun Faya Kun
- Love Me Like You Do
Day 19 – A Song in your native language
Native language connects people very fast. You are kept in a room and soon you will feel happy that someone is also there who speaks the same language as you. You share the culture and values and feel connected to your roots.
The songs which are played in your native language mean deeply to you and speak to you. It lifts you when you just want to listen to something that you might have left behind somewhere. Many of us leave our homeland and shift to another place but still cling to that culture and warmth and crave for that familiarity.
Whenever a song is played in your native language, it gives energy to your soul and sometimes makes you nostalgic. What is that one song in your native language that you want to play today and share with everyone?

While you think about that song, let us keep moving and attempting the challenge.
Song for Today’s Challenge
- Amaro Porano Jaha Chay – Bengali Song
- Nazm Nazm – Hindi Song
Day 19 has been a day of nostalgia. Day 20 is something that is reverse of the Day 19. You have to tell us the song that belongs to some other culture but has been your favorite since the day you have heard it.
Day 20 – A Song you like but do not understand the lyrics
We all cannot know all the languages but we can all connect to the feelings that are attached to the tune of the songs. The music, tone and instruments surely connect everyone even if they do not understand the lyrics.
We should respect each other’s culture and music is a very important part of any culture. It might have happened to you that you heard a song and do not understand it but clearly connect with it. You try to understand the meaning but your soul has already made a connection.

There are many songs that I have heard in someone else’s language but loved it. You too can think of at least one song that is there in your playlist or in your mind that you would like to share with all.
Song for Today’s Challenge
- Inkem Inkem Kavale – Telugu Song
With Day 20, we come closer to the end of the 30-Day Song Challenge. This week’s challenge prompts have a roller-coaster ride of emotions for sure. Some songs will make you dance while some may make you nostalgic.
If you want to look at the Day 11 to Day 15 of the Song Challenge the below is the link:
If you wish to read an article on music therapy, below is a link: