Tagged: 30daysongchallenge
Welcome to another week of Song Challenge. As days pass by, songs stick to us like our fellow travelers in our journey called life. It simply stays by our side no matter what the situation. It heals us and it lets us express our current feelings through songs. Let us, deep-dive, into the ocean where we want to uncover more about ourselves through songs. You can look at the below link in case you want to see the entire list of prompts: 30-Day Song Challenge – Word Version Checklist Day 11 – Lies Thoughts that need to change: As we...
Welcome to a new version of the Song Challenge called the Word version. In this, we will share a song that has a particular word in the lyrics as given in the checklist. Language is not a constraint. To see the checklist, check the below link: 30-Day Song Challenge – Word Version Checklist Day 1 – Understand “Understanding” forms the basis of any relationships we form in our life. We fail to understand others and in turn lose them, or when we fail to understand ourselves, we doom ourselves to self-doubt and blame game. You may be so much in...
Another day, another version of the Song Challenge. In this Word version, you have to sing a song with the word that is given in the list. This is another interesting way to take the Song Challenge and explore ways to add more fun to it. You can also add some gifts or dare activities for the team or person who loses. I remember playing this game with my family and friends and how they used to give us tasks if we cannot sing that particular song. We used to form teams too. It helps us bond with our friends...
Nature and Songs – a very thoughtful combination to create the right rhythm in our unbalanced daily life. Welcome to another version of the 30-Day Song Challenge where we can combine nature and music. There will be images related to nature where you have to think of a song that comes to your mind when you see the image. Share the first song that comes to your mind without giving much time to rationalize whether we can think of a better song. Nature never fails to amaze us and every facet of nature is something to be grateful for every...
Finally, we have reached the end of the 30-Day Song Challenge. To sum up the journey of the challenge, it was fun, nostalgic, and filled with every emotion connected with music. Music forms a crucial part whether as the main role or a supporting character. Day 26 – A Song played with your favorite instrument Music is all about synchronizing tune with rhythm and for that, any item can become your instrument. You clink two glasses in a rhythm and that becomes your favorite instrument to create music. I have always been fond of instrumental music. It feels like we...