Tagged: betterself

30-Day Gratitude Challenge – Be Grateful, Be Blessed

Gratitude is something we should have for everything that exists in our life. When we are grateful, we acknowledge the blessings and we are also able to accept the challenges as a gift. Every challenge comes as a lesson and once we have learned our lessons, we then get to understand the true purpose of the adversity. When I say to be grateful for everything, I mean it. The eyes through which we see the beautiful world, and people, the hands that let us experience and touch, the legs that take us everywhere, and everyone who is part of our...

30-Day Reading Challenge – Read it out

Welcome to the 30-Day Reading Challenge. Reading is bliss if you are consistent in your habit. It helps you expand your horizon of knowledge and nourishes your brain so that it can be healthy and proactive. You can start small but you must stick to it. Start with a short story or read 10 pages a day. It may seem that you are reading only 10 pages a day but these 10 pages are adding up to create an ocean of abundance. Benefits of Reading: Provides Motivation When we get stuck in life and lose all hope to do anything...