Tagged: books

30-Day Reading Challenge – Read it out

Welcome to the 30-Day Reading Challenge. Reading is bliss if you are consistent in your habit. It helps you expand your horizon of knowledge and nourishes your brain so that it can be healthy and proactive. You can start small but you must stick to it. Start with a short story or read 10 pages a day. It may seem that you are reading only 10 pages a day but these 10 pages are adding up to create an ocean of abundance. Benefits of Reading: Provides Motivation When we get stuck in life and lose all hope to do anything...

Day 20 – Writing Challenge – How is your life today? Write three good things and three areas of improvement

Hey! Welcome to Day 20 of the Writing Challenge. While you attempt today’s challenge and share about your life and the three good things as well as three areas of improvement, you can also check the link below and learn new ways to create a better writing environment. Another topic of the day – Products to create a perfect writing environment How is your life today? Write three good things and three areas of improvement When you attempt today’s challenge, keep in mind to focus on everything going on in your life right now. It is an attempt to let you...

Day 9 – Writing Challenge – What is that one thing you regret very badly and cannot change?

Welcome to the Day 9 of the Writing Challenge. As you move ahead to write about today’s challenge and share the one thing you regret, you can also check out the below topic, which shall put you on a path driven by a strong desire to achieve your dreams and bring positive changes in your life. Another topic of the day – Top 10 motivational books to get going the right way What is that one thing you regret very badly and cannot change? Regret is a strong emotion that moves or breaks us from the inside. At some point in...