Tagged: improvement

30-Day Writing Challenge – Numbers on the Go

Hello everyone! This is another version of the 30-Day Writing Challenge called “Numbers on the Go” where you create real and imaginary stories or experiences inspired by numbers. It is going to be pretty exciting to get started with this creative journey. Below is the list of 30-Day Writing Challenge – the “Numbers on the Go” version and I have also listed down the rules which can help you structure and plan your challenges. Rules: See the number in the checklist Write a story or experience based on that number The numbers can relate to anything possible to imagine 300...

Day 20 – Writing Challenge – How is your life today? Write three good things and three areas of improvement

Hey! Welcome to Day 20 of the Writing Challenge. While you attempt today’s challenge and share about your life and the three good things as well as three areas of improvement, you can also check the link below and learn new ways to create a better writing environment. Another topic of the day – Products to create a perfect writing environment How is your life today? Write three good things and three areas of improvement When you attempt today’s challenge, keep in mind to focus on everything going on in your life right now. It is an attempt to let you...