Tagged: inspiration

Day 10 – Gratitude Challenge – People who inspire

Welcome to Day 10 of the Gratitude Challenge. Today we will be expressing gratitude for all the people who inspire us daily and keep us going forward. Life is full of ups, downs, and plateaus. We do not feel good all the time and we also do not feel bad all the time. But when we feel low, just spending time with friends and talking to them lifts our mood. People who inspire you to keep going can be anyone. For me, I get inspired by people who can do the routine work and find peace in that and I...

30-Day Self-Care Challenge – Take care of yourself

Self-care is something we all need to practice each day. Taking a few min to take care of our physical, mental, and emotional health will keep us healthy and happy in the long run. Self-care should not start when you are in despair but when it should be a part of your life like waking up each day. We often confuse self-care with selfishness but it is not true. Selfishness will let you think only about your goals, and prioritize without considering others but self-care is giving a part of your life to yourself without hurting others. Take a notebook...

Day 23 – Writing Challenge – Your inspiration

Let us dive into another exciting Day 23 of the Writing Challenge. While you attempt today’s challenge and share your inspiration, you can also check the below topic which will help you immensely to learn and grow as a writer in this competitive world. Today’s challenge is – Top 4 Websites to check for writing contests Your inspiration Inspiration is that instant spark of hope that gets us started on our dreams. It fuels us to keep going in the difficult times of our lives. It is needed in every bit of our ongoing process towards becoming a better version...

Day 7 – Writing Challenge – Find an old photograph that you like and share the story behind it

Welcome to the exhilarating Day 7 of the Writing Challenge. While you all write for today’s challenge and share the old photograph that you like and the story behind it, you can also check the below topic. It will highlight the pros and cons of taking writing as a career. Keep learning! Another topic of the day – Writing as a Career Find an old photograph that you like and share the story behind it Behind the curtain, lies the end of our curiosity. It either makes you happy that justifies your curiosity or you regret to have ever looked beyond...

Day 5 – Writing Challenge – Write about your most interesting day of the past year

Welcome to the Day 5 of the Writing Challenge. While you all write for today’s challenge and share your most interesting day of the past year, you can also check the below topic: Another topic of the day – How to gain inspiration for writing? Write about your most interesting day of the past year When I think about the most interesting day of the past year, not many incidents come to my mind but one incident that was interesting, as well as terrifying, happened in June 2020 during the Covid-19 situation when the peace of mind was at its low....