Tagged: language

Day 1 to Day 5 – Song Challenge – Word Version

Welcome to a new version of the Song Challenge called the Word version. In this, we will share a song that has a particular word in the lyrics as given in the checklist. Language is not a constraint. To see the checklist, check the below link: 30-Day Song Challenge – Word Version Checklist Day 1 – Understand “Understanding” forms the basis of any relationships we form in our life. We fail to understand others and in turn lose them, or when we fail to understand ourselves, we doom ourselves to self-doubt and blame game. You may be so much in...

Day 16 to Day 20 – Song Challenge

Healing is not a day’s work. It takes time and effort. Music is one such thing that helps everyone on the healing path. When we change our state of mind to a better state full of happiness and fun, we also attract all that is good for our healing. Song Challenge continues to heal! Day 16 – A Song that drives you to dance Dance the way you want to… Songs can put us in a mood to dance and when we feel low, just get up, put on a song, and dance like never before. This way you will...

Day 19 – Writing Challenge – Long-forgotten hobby

Hey! Welcome to Day 19 of the Writing Challenge. While you write for today’s challenge and share about your long-forgotten hobby, you can also check the below topic which will take you through the ups, not downs of being a full-time translator and which tools can help you along the way. Another topic of the day – Perks and tools of a translator Long-forgotten hobby As children, we had a lot of hobbies, like creating crafts, drawing, singing, dancing, and the list never ended. But as we grow the time we spend on our hobbies shrink and we make ourselves comfortable...