Tagged: moon

Day 10 – Gratitude Challenge – People who inspire

Welcome to Day 10 of the Gratitude Challenge. Today we will be expressing gratitude for all the people who inspire us daily and keep us going forward. Life is full of ups, downs, and plateaus. We do not feel good all the time and we also do not feel bad all the time. But when we feel low, just spending time with friends and talking to them lifts our mood. People who inspire you to keep going can be anyone. For me, I get inspired by people who can do the routine work and find peace in that and I...

Day 16 to Day 20 – Song Challenge

Healing is not a day’s work. It takes time and effort. Music is one such thing that helps everyone on the healing path. When we change our state of mind to a better state full of happiness and fun, we also attract all that is good for our healing. Song Challenge continues to heal! Day 16 – A Song that drives you to dance Dance the way you want to… Songs can put us in a mood to dance and when we feel low, just get up, put on a song, and dance like never before. This way you will...