Tagged: tools

Day 27 – Writing Challenge – Write about a gift you have always cherished

Another day arrived! Day 27 of the Writing Challenge. While you attempt today’s challenge and share a gift you have always cherished, you can also check the below topic that will help you keep your ideas safe and save them to look into later and work on them. Another topic of the day – Top 5 tools for recording ideas Write about a gift you have always cherished Gifts are always our cherished possessions. We love our gifts, either someone else gifted us or we have treated ourselves someday. There can be multiple interpretations of what we can call a gift....

Day 19 – Writing Challenge – Long-forgotten hobby

Hey! Welcome to Day 19 of the Writing Challenge. While you write for today’s challenge and share about your long-forgotten hobby, you can also check the below topic which will take you through the ups, not downs of being a full-time translator and which tools can help you along the way. Another topic of the day – Perks and tools of a translator Long-forgotten hobby As children, we had a lot of hobbies, like creating crafts, drawing, singing, dancing, and the list never ended. But as we grow the time we spend on our hobbies shrink and we make ourselves comfortable...