Tagged: words

Day 11 to Day 15 – Song Challenge – Word Version

Welcome to another week of Song Challenge. As days pass by, songs stick to us like our fellow travelers in our journey called life. It simply stays by our side no matter what the situation. It heals us and it lets us express our current feelings through songs. Let us, deep-dive, into the ocean where we want to uncover more about ourselves through songs. You can look at the below link in case you want to see the entire list of prompts: 30-Day Song Challenge – Word Version Checklist Day 11 – Lies Thoughts that need to change: As we...

Day 6 to Day 10 – Song Challenge – Word Version

Welcome to the next phase of the Word version of the Song Challenge. Let us explore more songs that resonate with a word given in the list and have a great time ahead. The songs you share not only raise your positive energy but also heal others. When you want to check the entire checklist, you can refer to the below link: 30-Day Song Challenge – Word Version Checklist Day 6 – Life 6 ways to live a harmonious life: Set goals and focus – We must set goals in our life. It can be yearly, monthly, weekly, or daily. It...

Day 1 to Day 5 – Song Challenge – Word Version

Welcome to a new version of the Song Challenge called the Word version. In this, we will share a song that has a particular word in the lyrics as given in the checklist. Language is not a constraint. To see the checklist, check the below link: 30-Day Song Challenge – Word Version Checklist Day 1 – Understand “Understanding” forms the basis of any relationships we form in our life. We fail to understand others and in turn lose them, or when we fail to understand ourselves, we doom ourselves to self-doubt and blame game. You may be so much in...

30-Day Writing Challenge – Two words

Hello everyone! This is another version of the 30-Day Writing Challenge where you get to use two words and spin a scene or story around those two words. It is going to be pretty exciting to get started with this creative journey. Below is the list of 30-Day Writing Challenge – the two word version and I have also listed down the rules which can help you structure and plan your challenges. Rules: Write a scene, or situation, or story using the two words 300 – 500 words Imaginative or Real incidents Interpretation is upon you but you need to...