Day 12 – Writing Challenge – Write a letter to a close friend that you lost contact with

Welcome to Day 12 of the Writing Challenge. While you write for today’s challenge and write a letter to a close friend, you can also check the link below which will add leverage to the resume.

Another topic of the day – How to write a cover letter for a job?

Write a letter to a close friend that you lost contact with

In our busy lives, we often forget to keep in touch with people who are important to us. Social media has brought people closer but are you close emotionally? Friendships are people whom we chose to bring and keep in our lives. The bond we share with our friends is beyond words.

That is a question we need to ask ourselves. Take some time and think about those friendships which, somehow got left out and remained in the past. Things change, and so do we, but strong friendships always remain the same when you give effort and time.

It’s like planting a seed and watering it daily and providing it sunshine so that it grows with each passing day. An effort is needed to see the flowers bloom in the garden of life.

Once in a while, call that friend whom you didn’t call for the last many months or maybe years. Check out how are they doing. Do not think why they did not reach out to you first. They might be thinking the same.

For today, through this challenge, write a letter to that close friend you lost touch with and express how much you miss them today.

Sometimes, they might not respond to you the same way you were expecting, but do not let this doubt hold you back. Life is all about possibilities.

Even if you do not get the same response, feel happy to have connected and let it go. You can try to connect once and that is all it takes to know about that friendship.

Dear Souro,

I hope you are doing great in your life and this letter finds you in the same zest with which you met me last time. It has been several years since I last spoke to you. The last time I met you, you were pretty excited about shifting to a new city and since then it has been very difficult to get in touch with you.

I remember it was last summer when I had last called you. You were in a hurry packing your luggage and leaving the city. You have always been the ice breaker in our conversations, moral support during difficult times, and all that a friend can be.

I also got too busy with my new projects and the idea to connect with you never came to my mind for which I feel bad today. Nevertheless, I just wanted to tell you how important you are and look eager to talk to you again.

With love

Today’s busy world has taken away the excitement of writing and receiving letters so I will encourage you to write one to your close friend. It will be very sweet to reconnect. Social media is there to connect you but still, we never get to know so many people who are there on social media platforms. Take time out and make someone’s day special. Just once in a year or two won’t take away much of your time.


What is a cover letter for a job?

A cover letter for a job refers to a document that you share along with your resume. It acts as a support to your resume, but do not add what’s already there on your resume. You highlight the skills, strengths, achievements, and experiences briefly in a way that they know why they should hire you over the other candidates with the same set of skills and experience. It’s like making the employer excited to look forward to having a discussion with you regarding the job opportunity.

Write an impressive cover letter

Writing a good letter is crucial for all those who want to improve their chances of getting themselves required interviews. During interviews, you can show your capability but before that, you should prepare cover letters that you can share along with your resume. It gives a positive impact on your overall chances of getting into an interview discussion.

Why write a cover letter?

Why do you need to write a cover letter when you are already sharing the resume with the employer?

  • It helps to show the strengths and urges employers to take a look at the resume
  • Better cover letters give an edge over those with the same qualifications
  • Gives a good impression
  • Increase chances of getting a positive response
  • Displays your seriousness and passion for getting the job
  • Give the employer a reason to give you a chance if they can see the initial potential briefly through the cover letter

What to write in a cover letter?

Below are the points that should be there in your cover letter:

  • Salutation
  • Contact information
  • The date should also be included as shown in the sample cover letter below
  • Content in the body – Introduction, explain why they should hire you by highlighting the relevant experience you have in the job required and how you will be contributing to the growth of the organization
  • Add why you want to join their organization
  • End the cover letter by appreciating them and showing an urge to get a response
  • Signature
  • Do not make it too professional
  • Keep it simple and engaging right from the beginning
  • Add LinkedIn profile link or Behance portfolio link (depends on job role)

Sample cover letters:

You can download the below sample cover letters:

Cover letter

You can also refer to the below tools to get more references:

  • Canva – Canva is a graphic design tool that shall help with the design. You can add the content which I have shared in word format.
  • Figma – Figma is a design tool and there are many references in the Figma community to help you to design a cover letter. You can add the content which I have shared in word format.

I hope this article helped you create your cover letter for a job.

As today’s challenge comes to an end, remember to reflect for a moment when you write a letter to a close friend and think of connecting with them again.

The entire list of 30-Day Challenges link below:

30-day Writing Challenge

Suman Mandal

User Experience Designer | Blogger | I am passionate about taking up daily challenges and improve myself. I love to motivate others to take each step towards a better self through a set of challenges to keep oneself committed to it. Hope you are too! Do you want to know what are the challenges that can help you build a better self and take you towards a successful life?

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