Day 14 – Writing Challenge – Write about your goals for the next 1 month

Welcome to Day 14 of the Writing Challenge. While writing for today’s challenge and sharing your goals for the next 1 month, you can also check the below topic which will help you effectively plan your day and get most of your work done.

Another topic of the day – What to include in a daily planner?

Write about your goals for the next 1 month

Like the archer shooting at the aim and becoming better at the art of focusing, we need to keep the focus on our goals.

Goals are so important in our life. A life without a goal is like that withered leaf that just fell and could not live a meaningful life. You can be happy but we all need to find our goals to live a meaningful life. It can be simple or something commendable.

The purpose of having a goal is to keep you on track and let you create a productive and balanced life where you strive to create accomplishments and make your life better. It helps you grow in life because once you start walking towards a goal, you may come across problems and when you solve them, you gain experience. This valuable experience is what you are going to teach to your next generations.

We all want to be visionary and create the next five to ten years’ goals. Visualizing the future that is too far is not a bad idea but before reaching there, I want to remind you to look into something closer to you.

Let us plan our goals for the next month. In our daily planner, we are writing down goals for the particular day. Similarly, we will write down goals that we want to accomplish in the next month.

It can be anything from giving that stage performance you have been training for months, or as simple as creating a backyard garden. If we can successfully plan our 1 monthly goal, it will be a milestone for the bigger vision that we see for our future.

I also have set some goals that are mostly related to this blog. I have to list out the blog posts that I want to write for the next month. Another goal would be giving considerable time to my love for reading. I have bought a few books and I want to complete them. These are the two major goals and multiple other smaller goals are better to keep with me. Jokes apart, I have listed down all of them and you too should give thought and time to your goals for the next 1 month.

Do not plan for more than a month, it might drain your energy. So save that and use it to complete the current goals that you set.

Thank you!


Why create a daily planner?

  • Keep life Organized

Organizing our daily life is not an easy task and we often neglect it. We want to accomplish our goals in our life and for that, we need to understand the importance of organizing our daily life tasks. It may look tedious for beginners but once you do it for a few weeks, you will feel really happy to have completed your tasks however simple it may be.

Organized life
  • Avoid Procrastination

When you do not plan and keep everything in your mind or write it down somewhere you might look later, you tend to procrastinate tasks and this leads to never having the capability to reach your goals. Procrastination is a curse in itself. Today you may procrastinate to perform your daily tasks, tomorrow you might delay further and those tasks you left undone, will be never completed.

  • Imbibe Discipline

Discipline is another bliss that will always reap sweetness in your life. Once you start writing a daily planner, you will realize that with little effort, and discipline, you are moving each step closer to your dream life. Before it is too late, grab your pen and planner and start today.

  • Minimize missing targets for the day

You can write down schedules and important meetings, and as simple as a list of groceries. By planning your day, you do not have to remind yourself what you might be missing for the day. You can complete your tasks and the small or big accomplishments add a greater value to your life.

Missing targets
  • Increase confidence and peace of mind

As you tick that task out, you get a boost of confidence to take on another task that takes you closer to your goals. As you check progress each day, you will feel confident in how well you manage your time and bring balance in life. You get peace of mind that you are completing set of tasks and the day looks productive. Do not feel anxious if you cannot complete all the tasks. It is important to appreciate yourself for what you have completed so far. This way you can feel the harmony and balance in your life.

  • Meet your goals

You can divide your major goals into smaller parts and gradually complete them rather than deciding one day to grab on the entire task. This also helps you take care of your mental health as well as physical health. By writing down on a daily planner, you bring about a balance in your life if you can carefully plan out your priorities of the goals.

What to include in a daily planner?

I have added a daily planner in PDF format for download. It’s a simple format with the points I am going to discuss further.

The purpose of a planner is to get your life organized and get maximum goals done by the end of the day. I want to stress on this point that you should try to complete your goals set for the day but do not get discouraged if you miss some of them. Do not add too much into the planner that drains your mind and body altogether.

  1. First 3 items that are very important for that day

Plan with priority. Start with writing down your first three priorities which are most important for that day and you cannot miss completing them. Even if there is one task with higher priority, add it and move to the next task. Label it as “Priority”.

  1. Activities you plan for yourself

We seldom reflect on the time we spend for our well-being and happiness. many of us have kept our hobbies aside under the label “If I am free, I will do it”.

You need to daily give 30 minutes to yourself. Write down one activity which you want to do. You can choose an activity like a play in the nearby theatre, or a dance class you always wanted to join.

You can label it as “Self-care”.

  1. Commitments

This includes the meetings and appointments you have for that day. Your mother might need to go for that doctor’s appointment or you might have an important meet-up with your team on zoom. It can include all the scheduled professional and personal tasks. Check the deadlines of your submissions or projects and send them without delay.

  1. Lists

Lists can include grocery shopping, dinner menu, birthday party items, or any other event where you need a list of items. This will keep you reminded and excited. Create an unordered list of the items and create that favorite recipe you always wanted to try.

  1. Fix-It

This will include all that needs fixing. It can include fixing the lights, or any other problems that need your attention. If the problem is a blocker in your daily life, add it to the first five items of priority if you want to put immediate attention to it. It can be fixing your drawer or simply the shower. It can be anything that you think needs to be fixed.

  1. Routine

You can add the morning routine that you want to follow or a health care routine you want to undertake. Plan at what time you want to wake up, how you want your morning hours to look like, and how to make it productive. It can be your exercise routine too.

Morning Routine
  1. Habits

Is there any habit you wanted to change or eliminate from your life? If there is any new habit you want to form then write down one habit that you want to change and one new habit you want to include in your life.

Please start small and add only one habit. It is not easy to eliminate an old habit that haunts you but has got comfort in your mind. It also takes a huge effort to encapsulate a new habit into our minds. So do not write down too many or you may end up procrastinating and eventually getting back to your old habits.

With this, the article comes to an end. I hope you start your daily planner today and make your life organized and meaningful.

Ways to make the planner interesting

  • You can use sticky notes to add details to it
  • You can use stickers and cutouts from newspapers to make it interesting for you. Decorate it a bit and enjoy this planning session too.
  • There are stamps available that you can use or you can try out your creative way to make it worth the time.
  • You can also use bookmarks to help you refer to the current pages inside the planner.

Do not make it another task but something that you enjoy otherwise it might not stick with you for long.

Below are some planners that you can buy or grab a plain notebook and start writing as soon as possible.

Check your interest or priority and then buy as needed.

When to write the daily planner?

You can plan it weekly or the night before, as it looks feasible to you.

I plan it for the entire week on a Saturday and it relieves me of all the things that I used to forget earlier. I mostly used to forget those tasks which are simple and small but they were important also. So I make sure I write all those in the planner. It can be frustrating to suddenly get to know that you have been missing the same task for several days.

To make your life organized and productive, you should try to write your goals in a daily planner. But you need to be disciplined to carry on for a long time and that is dependent on you. So start planning and making your goals a reality.

To get the list of the entire 30-day writing challenge, you can refer to the following link:

30-day Writing Challenge


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Suman Mandal

User Experience Designer | Blogger | I am passionate about taking up daily challenges and improve myself. I love to motivate others to take each step towards a better self through a set of challenges to keep oneself committed to it. Hope you are too! Do you want to know what are the challenges that can help you build a better self and take you towards a successful life?

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