Day 20 – Writing Challenge – How is your life today? Write three good things and three areas of improvement
Hey! Welcome to Day 20 of the Writing Challenge. While you attempt today’s challenge and share about your life and the three good things as well as three areas of improvement, you can also check the link below and learn new ways to create a better writing environment.
Another topic of the day – Products to create a perfect writing environment
How is your life today? Write three good things and three areas of improvement
When you attempt today’s challenge, keep in mind to focus on everything going on in your life right now. It is an attempt to let you see your life closely and make changes that are needed, not forced by others’ expectations or pressures. Change has to come from within and that is why it is an inside job.
When you write about how is your life today, mention the good things first and then areas of improvement. This way you will know that your life has good things also to look into and when you look into the areas of improvement, you can let it go if you cannot change them. Every day something good happens in our life and if you believe that, you will overcome any difficulty in your life.
If you feel confused then take a paper and write whatever comes to your mind when you think about good and take another sheet and write the areas of improvement in the same process. Keep the page with good things about yourself.
Now analyze the other sheet where you wrote about areas of improvement and select three major problems. Check if you can solve the three problems. If your answer is yes, then go ahead and write it down. If you fail to find any solution, ask for help from others. And if it is beyond correction, crumble the sheet and throw it away. It’s time to let it go from your mind.
Hope you all are fine and may you have the strength every day to deal with your life. Never forget to appreciate what’s good and accept the areas of improvement.

With the end of today’s writing challenge, let us check the next topic of the day below.
Products to create a perfect writing environment
An optimum and calm environment clears our minds and helps us focus on our work. Imagine you are in the middle of chaos and you want to write something. You will never be able to focus and the output of your effort may not give you the desired results.
Imagine you are sitting in one of the quietest areas of your house where you work on your table and you have everything in your arms reach. You can keep on doing your work with maximum focus. This is one of the scenarios which may or may not be the optimum setup for everyone but will surely attract most of us.
- Products for basic Workspace setup
Find a spot in your house that can become your workspace. This will create a positive mindset to start your work and focus on it. If you keep changing the workspace, it can become a major distraction and most of your focus will get into finding a spot where you can work every day. Once you have a dedicated workspace area for your writing projects, you eliminate the need to waste time.
A workspace should be designed in a way that motivates you each day to do something new and become better. It should not distract you. Basic products that you need for your workspace are the following:
- Desk options: You can click on the images to buy
- Chair options: You can click on the images to buy
Caution: check the height of the chair and desk so that you can make an informed decision when buying the desk and chair separately.
Yes, a simple desk and chair are the first and most important products of a workspace. Do not go for a couch and avoid working on the bed with a bed table, as they all make us comfortable and induce sleep. You will feel like sleeping and wrapping up your work quickly.
When you are working on a chair, keep your posture straight and do not work at a stretch for a long time. Take 10 minutes break after working for 1 or 2 hours at a stretch. Drink water, relax your mind then again start your work with full zest. It will improve productivity. Do not indulge in any other activity during the break. It will become a distraction and you may lose focus. Also, make sure the charging point is nearby.
Set up the table and chair then we can move on to the other products needed for the workspace.
Below are some images that show desk and chair set up for writing projects:

- Products on the Table
Keep the table clean and interesting. Do not put everything on the table. Try to avoid keeping unnecessary documents. Keep them inside the drawer and take them out only when needed. Put those items which are not required immediately inside drawers or somewhere else since your mind does not want to deal with a lot of clutter on your table. A clear table will keep your mind calm. Get rid of the clutter.
Below are the products that are enough for the table at the first glance:
- Laptop/Desktop
This is the most important product for your writing projects. You can also work with notebooks for your writing tasks before you do it on your laptop or desktop. Everyone has their requirements or specifications that they need concerning laptops or desktops.
Below are the minimum specifications that are needed when buying a laptop or desktop for your writing projects:
– 256 GB HD
– 4 GB RAM
– i5 Processor
Below are some of the products that will serve the purpose:
Details overview: Apple M1 Chip, 13.3-inch, 8GB RAM, 512GB SSD
Details overview: 13.3-inch, 10th Gen Core i5, 8GB, 512GB SSD, Win 10
- Stationary
Keep the basic stationery close and reachable.
Drinking water has a lot of benefits on focus. It positively affects our minds and keeps us awake. Avoid coffee or other caffeinated drinks because it may give you sudden energy and keep you awakened, but the drop will also be significant. So stick to plenty of water. Keep a bottle within your reach and drink regularly. Work is important but you should not compromise your health.
Time is everything so it is a crucial part of our life. You may be too engrossed in your work that you do not realize how much time you spend on your task. Plan your work and divide it. It will create small goals and help you complete your writing projects on time.

Keeping a table clock nearby, not on the front is a helpful way to create a productive environment. Many times we miss our lunch or important other tasks related to our life because we lose track of time.
Note: It can be optional if you are using a laptop/desktop but will be effective when you are working with only notepads.
- Important books
Books also are an important part of our working projects. It should be placed near one of the edges of the table and keep up to 4 books. Keep only those books which you need for that particular project and keep aside the others. Below is a beautiful arrangement of books on the desk:

Headphones are also important in case you need to do your research online and listen to videos or take user interviews or video calls with clients. It is an important aspect while completing your writing projects.

- Products for Light Sources
We need a significant amount of light sources – natural and artificial, both. During the day if you are getting an ample amount of natural light in your room then it will be great but in case it is not enough, get the help of artificial lights in the form of table lamps or room lights near your desk.
The natural light during the day should not fall directly on your system. Place your desk in a direction that can let you work properly.

- Surrounding walls
Everything around us affects our minds in some way or the other. So you must place items on the walls that improve the aesthetic appeal and give you a motivational environment to work.
Below are some of the ideas that you can try and add to the walls around your desk:
- Calendar
- Whiteboard
- Motivational quotes – I have written a separate post on this. If you like, you can check the quotes blog post
- Small handmade crafts
- Tiny fairy lights
- Photographs
- Bulletin board
- Sticky notes
- Daily routine print
You do not need to add everything. You can choose anything pleasing for your writing environment. At the end of the day, you are making all these efforts to create a calm and soothing environment for your mind. You can add your ideas and do it. The aim is to create a perfect writing environment that resonates with your mind and brings you peace and motivation.

- Plants
Plants are important when want to create a lively environment. It is not mandatory but very much recommended to include plants around you in your room. You can either put the plant beside your desk if it is a long plant and also put it on one side of the table.
You can buy from local areas or online from Nurserylive or Ugaao.
I have also a plant on my desk, that is, the Jade plant. It required minimum maintenance and survives for a longer time. So add those plants which do not require much effort to survive.
Below are some of the examples of plants in the workspace. It may help you decide which plants to buy and where to keep them.

The products discussed in today’s post will surely help you transform your workspace and create the perfect writing environment if you have not done already. We should occasionally change our workspace’s look and feel. It fills us with a new and lively spirit which is highly required when we are working.
To get the list of the 30-day writing challenges, you can refer to the following link:
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