Day 30 – Writing Challenge – Write about your childhood ambition
The beautiful journey of the 30-Day Writing Challenge ends and here we are completing it. I have attempted the “30-day writing challenge – About Yourself” version with you all and below is a cumulative attempt of the entire 30 days. Get going, attempt the last day’s challenge and share your childhood ambition.
I hope it encourages you to start creating your own 30 days journey of this wonderful challenge.
If you want to check each post of the 30-Day Writing Challenge, check the below link:
The last challenge of the 30-Day Challenge is – Write about your childhood ambition
Write about your childhood ambition
Childhood is a phase in our life that has its own charm in terms of ambitions. One day we want to become a pilot and another day we want to become a doctor. We role-play too and try to feel how it would be if I become what I want to become when I am an adult.
We all had our ambitions and we used to declare it with pride to everyone possible. But how often our childhood ambition turns out to be our ambition in adulthood. Whether or not it turns out to be true later, we all live our ambitions quite well and that is why it is important that we all have dreams and ambitions in all phases of our life. It makes our life lively.
My childhood ambition took many somersaults and I decided to work in a field in adulthood that I had never thought of in my life. Although it turned out to be fine and quite a ray of sunshine, it was nothing I had thought of becoming when I was a child. And sometimes that is okay. We grow and realize our real potential later in our life.
Do not ever feel low if you could not achieve your childhood ambition, I am sure if you look into your current role in your career, you can do much better than you ever thought.
Thank you for reading!

The 30th Day of the 30-Day Challenge is complete and as we end the roller-coaster ride of the challenge, let us rewind and read all our memories. Below I have put down all the challenges together.
Day 1 – List three things you are grateful for and why?
Life gives us all kinds of experience but what helps us survive are those little good things and goals that make us wake up every morning and look forward to it as a new day to accomplish new targets. Most of the time, we are whining about the things that are going wrong in our life. Let us notice three things that we are grateful for in our lives and why.
The first thing would be my parents, and there is no one reason to express how grateful I am to spend time with my parents. In this covid-19 pandemic situation, when things fell apart, and everything around us turned negative, I came closer to my family and got to see that no matter what, they will never leave my side.
The second thing I am grateful for is the presence of friends in my life. Friendship is a kind of relationship that you choose and share a loving and sharing bond beyond expectations. I would never be able to ask for more than what I received from my friends.
The third thing I am grateful for is my new jade plant which adds so much to my life. Every morning I wake up and sit with a cup of tea in my balcony garden with this plant beside me. It brightens up my day. As I water it daily, I can feel it grow each day and make my days happier.
With this, I conclude today’s article with the beautiful jade plant in my balcony garden. If you want to buy plants, you can check Ugaao or NurseryLive.

Day 2 – Write about the things or activities that make you happy
There are innumerable things that can make us happy. But I feel I am truly happy when I do not force myself to be. Then even the tiniest gestures in people or the common things in nature and even simple things in life create an atmosphere of great happiness.
When I remember my childhood, I feel amazed how collecting different color erasers would make me so happy. It makes me realize we do not need to look far for reasons to be happy. I have immense love for plants and when a new flower blooms in my garden, it makes me happy. When I meet my nieces and nephews, it makes me happy to be part of their madness.
I have a memory that helps me come out of my gloomy days. I sit near the seashore and sit at a distance that waves come over till my knees and then move back to come again. The calmness I feel during this time is unexplainable and you would love it once you try. I am very fond of beaches and water calms me down.
I end the challenge with this beautiful picture of the beach.

Day 3 – What are the three most important things you cannot live without?
Little things make a great deal in our life. Numerous things are important in our lives, but let us focus today on the three things out of all that makes up for most of our need and attention.
The first thing that comes to my mind is my table clock. That is so much important in my life that it’s always there in front of me. It is a guide that wakes me up in the morning, keeps me on track, and teaches me to wait for nothing and keep going because it’s going to tick out and not wait for you. You better keep going and catch up.
Out of all the most important things, the next one is Books. I am very fond of novels and I read a lot, and that will be evident as you enter my room. I am the kind of reader who may not have completed all the books yet will buy another book to feel alive. The excitement I get when I buy a new book is beyond comparison. I wish I could shrink them all and keep them in my pocket. Kindle can make it possible, but I am talking about the paperback versions.
The third and very nostalgic thing has to be my olive green jacket. Well, it’s been there for more than ten years, and the older it gets, the precious it becomes. It’s like a shield and reminds me that something is always there with me at all times, difficult or smooth. Life sometimes throws me out of the track, and it helps me hang on till the last bit.

Day 4 – Are you early or nocturnal? Write the pros and cons of being one
I am a morning person. Nothing soothes me more than the calmness of the early morning, and the sunrise makes my day. As a morning person, I find it productive as most of my tasks get done during the morning hours. I do not need to rush for those tasks throughout the day.
Morning time is my time. I sit in my balcony garden, watch the sunrise with a cup of tea in my hand and feel the warmth. The fresh air and the peace, I love that combination. Soon after this time with myself, I get going for my daily exercise. Being a morning person, I find it very amusing. My mind is clear and calm, and it helps me start my day on a positive note.
Simply breath-in and Breath-out in the morning keep me balanced all day. Morning person or Night-owl, we all get used to the routine we create for ourselves, and sooner or later, we should make it productive and energizing in some or another way.
So keep doing great – morning or night, just remember to make your life productive each day.
I will end it with the mesmerizing image of a sunrise. Have a very good morning and a good day!

Day 5 – Write about your most interesting day of the past year
When I think about the most interesting day of the past year, not many incidents come to my mind but one incident that was interesting, as well as terrifying, happened in June 2020 during the Covid-19 situation when the peace of mind was at its low.
I was staying away from my home and in a shared flat with three other flatmates. Two flatmates had gone home, but we did not go, so we stayed back. During this time, my roommate had to go to her relative’s house for a night, and I was left alone.
My roommate said she might come in the morning and said she forgot her keys too. I locked everything and stayed inside my room. It was 9:30 pm night, and I decided to take a shower before sleeping. After I came out, I saw someone in the balcony area sitting in the corner on a phone call.
I was terrified to my very soul as nobody was there in the flat except me. I mustered up the courage and went to check. First, I locked it from inside and then knocked on the glass door to check. There is no light in the balcony area, so you cannot see the face clearly until the tube light of my room intervenes.
The person in the balcony area banged back, and it came out that it was my roommate. She had found her keys in her purse which she thought she had misplaced. She came back that very night and tried to call me, but I was taking a shower. I was finally relieved to see her. I unlocked the balcony door and let her in. We never forgot this incident.

Day 6 – Write ten things you love regarding yourself?
I want to highlight here that no matter how small or big the good thing is, you need to acknowledge it. If you do not love yourself, you are always going to feel insecure and unhappy.
Every individual has more than ten things which they can acknowledge about themselves. Some people are overly critical about themselves and cannot see anything good in themselves, and want to become like someone else, who they are not. It shows the lack of acceptance of our true selves, which can never keep us happy.
Today’s challenge is to motivate you and find reasons to love yourself. You are creating a writing habit, and also, motivating yourself, and celebrating the person you are. I can highlight the ten things today but as it can seem to be too much of myself, let us stick to what you can write in your challenge.
Notice yourself – are you kind, compassionate, humble, loving, caring, confident, sensitive, happy, curious, pet-lover, helpful, skillful, calm, trustworthy, resilient, or hard-working. The list is endless.
Write down all the good you see in yourself.
- Are you forgiving?
- Do you have the patience to handle difficult situations?
- Are you enjoying little things in life?
- Do you help others move on in their life?
- Are you the kind of person who does not like to be mean and hurt others?
- Are you are the kind of person who gives time to family as well?
You do not have to be everything.
You have all the reasons to celebrate the person you are. When you write it down, you appreciate yourself and lessen the urge to get appreciation from others.
With this, I end today’s challenge. Stay happy, stay healthy!

Day 7 – Find an old photograph that you like and share the story behind it
Date: 9 February 2020

I had taken this picture when I was staying away from home. My parents made a plan to meet me and came all the way long, and it was a great time spent with them. The photograph is of that day when they were leaving, and I had to stay back. We were sitting on the bench under a tree with yellow flowers. My mother gave me these flowers that fell on her.
I was holding the bag with me and took this picture as a remembrance. Soon after a month, panic began about the Covid-19, and it took me almost 11 months to meet my parents again. It was the longest gap in the last ten years after I first moved out of my home due to my studies and job.
I wished to see them soon, but things got topsy-turvy, and the whole atmosphere of happiness turned into panic and chaos. Today I am there with my parents and hope this new “normal” life that we have started living changes for the better, and we live unmasked again.
Day 8 – What fascinates you about life and the people around you?
Many things fascinate me. One, in particular, is the sky. Yeah, it is everywhere, but do you notice the color during sunset and sunrise. How birds fly in groups and ram freely in the sky. When it’s dark, how clouds embrace the moon and keep moving distant and far with passing time.
On a cloudy night, how sky gives the impression of a desert. Have you ever noticed it? On such nights, I feel like looking at the sky and stars and go to sleep. It is so peaceful. I know the sky filled with stars is nowadays not easy to spot in most places.
The existence of the Universe and how life exists differently on the planets fascinate me, and I am always curious to learn more about it. The rhythm in music, the flow of swings, and the truths of life. All fascinate me.
The thing about people around us that fascinates me the most is how each person’s life who crosses our paths is so amusing and different yet connects to us at some point. Everyone at the same time somewhere goes through a whole different experience and keeps going on.
Somewhere close
Life in itself is a fascinating shade that keeps showing different colors every time we look at it. Find out what fascinates you. With this, today’s challenge ends. Have a great day!

Day 9 – What is that one thing you regret very badly and cannot change?
Regret is a strong emotion that moves or breaks us from the inside. At some point in your life, you might have the regret to hurt someone, cheating, blaming, ignoring, being utterly selfish, or having done something that impacts others’ lives, and you did not intend to do it.
When you have regretted having done something you cannot change, the only thing you can do is forgive yourself and never repeat that mistake. It is difficult to sometimes forgive yourself, but you need to take care of your mental health too. Either you can try to mend things or even close to making things better, or forgive and move on to become a better person.
When you write about your regret, leave it on that piece of paper, to never look back. Take that paper and let it flow away from you. Deep down you will feel you have let go of that burden that did no good to you and anyone else. Be capable to mend others’ life as well yours. Come over that regret and be the person you should have been. Redemption is the word that should replace Regret.
When we turn the pages of our life, we will come across many regrets. I will share one of mine. I regret to have missed my Graduation Day which, unfortunately, could not be attended due to unavoidable circumstances. It felt like I was losing out on something, but today, the regret has deepened, and by writing this down, I want to leave it here just like we can leave the halogen balloon, and it goes far away in the sky.

Day 10 – Write about a friend who never left your side
Friends play a crucial role in our life whether be it the mischief-makings, gossiping, irritating each other, but always being there for one another. We make friends at each stage of our life, some are there with us for a long time and some leave soon but every bond is close to us. For me, my friends have helped me overcome a lot of difficult phases which would have been difficult to handle alone.
We all have different interpretations for a friend. A diary can also be our friend, our mother or father, our neighbor’s dog, our life partner, our brother or sister, and anyone with whom you can be yourself and share your thoughts and life.
Today I want to share about my school friend who is still there in my contact and who has never left my side even though we do not talk every day and do not stay in the same city, but our bond has never lost its warmth and importance.
Even if I call her after a long time, it does not feel like so and we share and annoy each other in the same way as we did in school. Its been many years, almost 15 years since we have become friends and I can always count on her and have any conversation without judging each other. We all need such friends in our life. I am glad to have one.
Day 11 – What is the biggest lesson you learned till now?
When we talk about the lessons in our life, it does not refer to pleasant memories. It reminds us of the hardships and unfair situations we have faced in our life. We grow and should learn how to not repeat and help others so that they also can come out of similar situations. The biggest lesson can also be the regret that we have after doing something unfair to others.
Lessons can be learned from listening to our elders who tell us their life experiences so that we do not make the same mistakes. We learn from our own mistakes as we grow up. During childhood, we are told that the mistakes help us learn but as we grow up, the same sentence squeezes and suffocates to create a space in our lives and finally vanishes and gets replaced by “mistakes are forbidden”.
The biggest lesson which I learned till now is “It is very important to give ourselves a priority, and say “NO” when required. This does not make you selfish, it is self-care and you should do it. You should not expect that the way you are helping others will be reciprocated in the same way. So keep expectations from yourself. This will keep you at peace.”
You also write down your biggest lesson and always remember it. It’s all part of your personal growth. You accept the way you are then only you can reach your full potential.
Thank you! Be in sync with the positive vibes around you.

Day 12 – Write a letter to a close friend that you lost contact with
Dear Souro,
I hope you are doing great in your life and this letter finds you in the same zest with which you met me last time. It has been several years since I last spoke to you. The last time I met you, you were pretty excited about shifting to a new city and since then it has been very difficult to get in touch with you.
I remember it was last summer when I had last called you. You were in a hurry packing your luggage and leaving the city. You have always been the ice breaker in our conversations, moral support during difficult times, and all that a friend can be.
I also got too busy with my new projects and the idea to connect with you never came to my mind for which I feel bad today. Nevertheless, I just wanted to tell you how important you are and look eager to talk to you again.
With love
Today’s busy world has taken away the excitement of writing and receiving letters so I will encourage you to write one to your close friend. It will be very sweet to reconnect. Social media is there to connect you but still, we never get to know so many people who are there on social media platforms. Take time out and make someone’s day special. Just once in a year or two won’t take away much of your time.

Day 13 – Write about the three most important people you’ve ever met
In this journey called life where we come across many varied kinds of people, some may stick with us till the end and some come into our lives for a limited time. The duration of the connection does not describe the depth of the relationship we have with a person. We might have met a person while commuting and we may have hit the chord deeply and we move in our directions after a while.
You can never predict which connection will stay for long but you can appreciate those that stuck a deep meaningful cord with your soul and make your life better. The three important people can include your parents, siblings, friends, roommates, neighbors, colleagues, the person you meet on your way to your home, or anyone who has introduced a turning point in your life.
We should all take time and acknowledge those people who play important roles in our lives and help in uplifting us in the most difficult situations. When you pen down the names of the people, make sure you let them know today if possible about how they have changed your life for the better.
In our busy lives, we seldom forget to properly eat, forget about sitting down and thinking about appreciating people in our life. Through these challenges, you will not only get a habit of daily writing, but you will also give time to reflecting and appreciating your own life.

Day 14 – Write about your goals for the next 1 month
Goals are so important in our life. You can live without goals but a life without a purpose is like that withered leaf that just fell and could not live a meaningful life. You can be happy but we all need to find our goals. It can be simple or something commendable.
The purpose of having a goal is to keep you on track and let you create a productive and balanced life where you strive to create accomplishments and make your life better. It helps you grow in life because once you start walking towards a goal, you may come across problems and when you solve them, you gain experience. This valuable experience is what you are going to teach to your next generations.
We all want to be visionary and create the next five to ten years’ goals and visualize ourselves in the future that is too far. It is not a bad idea to set long-term goals but before reaching there, I want to remind you to look into something closer to you.
Let us plan our goals for the next month. In our daily planner, we are writing down goals for the particular day. Similarly, we will write down goals that we want to accomplish in the next month.
It can be anything from giving that stage performance you have been training for months, or as simple as creating a backyard garden. If we can successfully plan our 1 monthly goal, it will be a milestone for the bigger vision that we see for our future.
I also have set some goals that are mostly related to this blog. I have to list out the blog posts that I want to write for the next month. Another goal would be giving considerable time to my love for reading. I have bought few books and I want to complete them. These are the two major goals and multiple other smaller goals are better to keep with me. Jokes apart, I have listed down all of them and you too should give thought and time to your goals for the next 1 month.
Do not plan for more than a month, it might drain your energy. So save that and use it to complete the current goals that you set.
Thank you!
Day 15 – Write about your pet or write about a pet you always wanted
Pet is another word of the most innocent existence in your life. People with a pet can closely relate to this feeling. The presence of a pet in your life is bliss in itself. They teach us how to be so compassionate, loving, and giving in the bond. The bond that a person shares with the pet is beyond words.
I remember how my grandmother had a pet dog named “Paakhi” which means bird. But she kept this name since she believed they are free, very loving, kind, and not bound by any selfish motives. I used to be very fond of Paakhi when I used to visit my grandmother in childhood. Paakhi is a memory now but the bond is something to cherish for life.
Today I will share a glance of my pet fishes named “Caramel” and “Pogo” who are very active all day and the orange little wonder just wants to grab my finger.
You can write about your pet or a pet you always wanted to add to your life.
Day 16 – You are allowed to change one thing in your life. What will it be?
When you attempt to write today’s challenge, think about all that has led your life to where you are today. Is there anything that you think would have been different had you taken a different action or had you taken an action?
When I think about changing one thing in my life, many things come to my mind. But maybe it was meant to be that way so that I could carve out my current life the way it is now. We all have our ups and downs and it is the same ups and downs that make our life beautiful. But sometimes we come across a situation in which we do not have control and we let it control our life.
You can also think about that time when you regret taking action for someone else also. We all have the power to make a change in our life as well as others. You can also write about those incidents which you feel could have turned out differently. Your vision has taken the wrong path and now you can write it down and think about it if there is a way to correct it. If not, then let it go and you create a new opportunity on the current path.

Sometimes things do not go according to our will and that is the only time when we should be flexible, not hard like a dead branch. We can grow only when we become flexible.
So think about that moment when you felt like changing your decision. Do not let it overburden your current life but let it pass off your mind once and for all so that new things can take place and create better things in life.
Day 17 – Imagine yourself stranded alone in an unknown land. How does it look?
Imagining yourself stranded alone and that too in an unknown land can be scary. So let us help each other come out of this fear of getting scared of change. My imagination takes me to a very dark and smoky place.
I woke up one day and all I can see around myself is darkness and smokiness.
“Where is that smoke coming from?” I asked myself.
Soon I saw the place around me and my eyes missed blinking for a few minutes. I was all alone in the middle of a lake in a boat. There is no one around me for help and the smokiness is nothing but the fog.
It looks like midnight and I am freezing in the cold. Panic surrounds my mind, then suddenly I feel movement in the water. I try to see again and something is coming towards me. I am terrified and many things come to my mind.
Soon, a giant dolphin jumps out of water out of nowhere and I am relieved. She looks happy and she is my only companion in the stranded place. She is the hope of my survival. Far away I can see huge trees and I realize I am pretty safe from the wild animals of the forest that is surrounding me. I sleep patiently and wait for the night to get over.
As I go to sleep on that cold night in the middle of the lake, I pray to be patient and calm so that I can come out of all the darkness that surrounds me today and forever. It can dark but it cannot be forever. The fog will soon fade and I too will find my way.

Day 18 – Write about that one movie or book or incident that drastically changed your life
Our life is intriguingly full of suspense. We have no idea about what is going to happen next in our life and that makes life interesting. The best way to deal with this uncertainty is to embrace it and the problems we face or life-changing events that we come across help us carve new paths towards our goals and keep going.
Many times, these life-changing or self-introspecting situations help a long way in looking Into the bigger picture and deciding what is best for us. When we are broken and shattered, it shows us that we need to look into the situation differently, and tackling it leads us to a whole new world that was beyond our imagination and expectation.
It can be anything that can drastically change your life in a moment. I have confined the options to a movie, book, or incident, so go ahead and think about that particular option that comes to your mind instantly.
That one book that changed my life drastically was “The Alchemist” by Paulo Coelho. Most of us will know about the book and know the kind of impact it has on our minds. It will resonate with many and it may not resonate with others. That is perfectly alright.

We all seek the truth, inspiration to guide us, and that one moment, when we find it, we are overwhelmed and that is what happened to me when I read it. I was continuously looking for some answers and when I completed the book, I moved ahead and could see the answers. It was all in front of me. It persuaded me to make big changes in life and take control to put myself on the path that takes me to my destination. My mind could reveal which my eyes denied till now. I could see the path and I followed my heart towards it.
“And, when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.”
Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist
Day 19 – Long-forgotten hobby
As children, we had a lot of hobbies, like creating crafts, drawing, singing, dancing, and the list never ended. But as we grow the time we spend on our hobbies shrink and we make ourselves comfortable in the squeezed reality. We seldom think about our hobby that we used to love a long time ago. We do not pay attention to the little things that make us happy anymore. Instead, we set goals that if we achieve a particular goal we will be happy otherwise devastated.
Happiness comes from within. A simple one-hour spent doing something you love will go a long way in enhancing the meaning of happiness in your life. It cannot come to you unless you seek.
Let us go down in our memory lane and bring back the hobby that we loved and lived for in our past. I too had a hobby that I used to love during my childhood but left soon after getting overburdened with everything going on in life. A hobby is something personal and it should stick to you till the end, no matter what people say.

I was very fond of creating crafts and painting during my childhood. I was appreciated too for all that I used to create. Creating a craft and sending it to my friends and family as gifts during any special occasion made me happy and joyful. Nowadays, I try to read which is my all-time hobby and which has always been alive. But creating crafts and painting are the long-forgotten hobbies that I am trying to revive again.
You too should search within and bring out that hobby that you have forgotten and want to revive in your life. It is never too late to do anything for ourselves.

Thank you!
Day 20 – How is your life today? Write three good things and three areas of improvement
When you attempt today’s challenge, keep in mind to focus on everything going on in your life right now. It is an attempt to let you see your life closely and make changes that are needed, not forced by others’ expectations or pressures. Change has to come from within and that is why it is an inside job.
When you write about how is your life today, mention the good things first and then areas of improvement. This way you will know that your life has good things also to look into and when you look into the areas of improvement, you can let it go if you cannot change it. Every day something good happens in our life and if you believe that, you will overcome any difficulty in your life.
If you feel confused then take a paper and write whatever comes to your mind when you think about good and take another sheet and write the areas of improvement in the same process. Keep the page with good things with yourself. Now analyze the other sheet where you wrote about areas of improvement and select three major problems. Check if you can solve the three problems. If your answer is yes, go ahead and write it down but if you fail to find any solution, ask for help and if it is beyond correction, crumble the sheet and throw it away. You need to let it go from your mind.
Hope you all are fine and may you have the strength every day to deal with your life. Never forget to appreciate what’s good and accept the areas of improvement.

Day 21 – What is that one thing you have always wanted to do but could not?
We always want something and start preparing for it. Once we get it, we have a new wish to fulfill. Our desires do not end. We may want to do a lot of things in our life but getting everything should not be the focus otherwise it will always keep us unhappy.
First, we need to analyze what we have and what need. After we have our needs done, then comes what we want. When you attempt today’s challenge, make sure you look at your life with gratitude. We never get everything and that is okay.
When we are too focused on what we want, we may ignore what we already have and what we can achieve. We all have the potential to do great things but we always work towards a path that is way different and feel inferior in return. What if we work towards something we are good at.
There can be many reasons for not being able to do that one thing that you always wanted. There can be a choice, failure, sacrifice, or just misfortune. But take a moment and think how your life would have shaped if you could do it. Be at peace with your current situation. What a calm mind can see, a mind with turbulences will not be able to see. Make a new plan and do next what you do best. A resilient mind is a powerful aspect of our life. We may fall but shrug it and stand again.
Life is about second chances, not regrets. Regrets do not let us get past our old selves and thinking. Make sure you give yourself those second chances it needs.

Day 22 – What can you do to create an ideal world for yourself and others?
What does an ideal world mean to you? It will differ from person to person. For me, an ideal world is a time when everyone is at peace with each other, be it their good things or their flaws. Everyone is tolerant of each other and nobody questions somebody else’s choices in life. A world where nobody sleeps empty stomach has basic needs for a living and a family to spend life with.
An ideal world is full of abundance, not just wealth but the abundance of love, care, wishes, health, mental peace, growth, and way of living. An ideal world is where we all create a very supportive environment, be kind to each other, do not judge at the drop of a hat, and accept people around us as they are and what they represent.
My ideal world is too good to be true but yes, we can all make effort and create it together. What can we do to create this ideal world?
We can be honest, not mean and we can be all that one needs to get the hope to start over again, we can be non-judgmental towards other’s choices and it is high time we stop making others feel inferior to us. We can create an environment of equality and acceptance.

Nature is a very crucial part of our life but the way we treat nature is brutal. We cut down the trees to create comfort in our life. The day we cut down one tree, we are depriving an unknown number of animals of their homes forever. Instead of planting more trees that are saving us and creating the oxygen we breathe, we remove them from our life and create establishments. The ideal world would have a balance with nature.
Do we want to create this world where there is no love for trees and people are engrossed in the superficial lives of their social media platforms? I am not saying we do not need to keep connected to the world but do we need to create a shallow life or a deeply meaningful life that means a world to some.
You always have a choice. When we want to create an ideal world for ourselves, we create it for many others too and that is the need of the hour. The earth belongs to all and it should be preserved rather than exploited.
Day 23 – Your inspiration
Inspiration is that instant spark of hope that gets us started on our dreams. It fuels us to keep going in the difficult times of our lives. It is needed in every bit of our ongoing process towards becoming a better version of ourselves.
When you write about your inspiration, think about that moment that led you to action and made you change your life for the better. We all have our reasons for inspiration. It can be our parents, our ambition, the feather, the ants, or even the raindrops.
There is no limit to interpret the true meaning of inspiration in our life. Every individual is unique and what works for you may not work for me. You need to know yourself better and find your inspiration. It can be that particular movie you watched yesterday or a book you explored last weekend. It can be all that gives you hope to carry on with life and do something bigger in your life.
My source of inspiration lies in books especially the lives of those who did great in life and what carved their lives as they are today.

Day 24 – What are the three things you are unable to let go of?
Three things that you cannot let go of can be a huge list for most people. There is nothing bad in holding on to something you love but you need to analyze whether that thing is making your life better or it is just what you want because you have got used to it.
When you write about the three things that you are unable to let go of, write down everything that comes to your mind and choose those three things that have the deepest impact on you and your life.
It is not easy to let go of anything you hold dear, but you have to choose your priorities and that should be the well-being of your life. That does not mean hurting someone else but it means giving yourself another chance to make your life better.
The thing can be a soft toy you have since your childhood, a pen you got as a gift, or a toxic relationship you wanted to work out. It can be anything. So choose wisely.

Day 25 – What is the first wish you want to make if you are granted three wishes?
We all sometimes need that magic lamp which we can rub and get our three wishes fulfilled. But in the real world, there is no magic lamp and no genie is going is puff open in the air to be bound to fulfill your wishes. You got to do it on your own.

But in this fiction scenario, where you are asked to make three wishes, be careful about what to choose to have in your life. Whenever we make a wish, we are so indulged in the excitement that we often forget the consequences we can bring because we made that wish.
In our daily life, if you are given three wishes, let the first one be for someone else who always wished for your well-being. That is when you can never regret going wrong. We all have that one person in our life who has gone way out of the way to help us in our life. If you have that one person, consider repaying to that person.
When we are too busy thinking about our wishes, we often forget that the more we give, the more abundant we become in our life. This does not mean getting exploited for your kindness but never let someone make you self-centered.
In case you do not have such a person, then ta-duh treat yourself for taking control of your life and making things happen. Be the Genie you need in your life!

Day 26 – Write about your favorite song and memories associated with it
Writing about your favorite song is often difficult as you have many options to share. There is a list that is never-ending and feelings that are never controlled and emotions attached to every bit of the songs.
Songs have a lot of emotions associated with them. Sometimes, when you hear a song, you want to smile thinking about an old-age memory or feel sad because you shared that song with someone. Some songs make us remind who we are and some songs take us down memory lane to catch up with something forgotten long back.
My favorite songs are “You make me Happy”. The song reminds me of all the time that I spend with my family. It’s nostalgic and it has the happiness quotient that makes you feel light on your feet and you can enjoy your present moment by looking at your memories.
Another song is “Phir Se Ud Chala” from the movie Rockstar which is my favourite. It is a reminder that you can always get up and start fresh. This song lifts your spirit when you feel low.
There is a never-ending list of songs that we like but I will stop here to share another song that is close to me and that is a Bengali song “Amaro Porano Jaha Chay” by Rabindranath Tagore.
Which song is your favorite? Think about the songs that you listen to on repeat and never get tired of the lyrics. The lyrics and rhythm are everything.
Day 27 – Write about a gift you have always cherished
Gifts are always our cherished possessions. We love our gifts, either someone else gifted us or we have treated ourselves someday. There can be multiple interpretations of what we can call a gift. It can be something tangible or non-tangible.
When someone we care about gives us a gift, we value it more for the effort and thought they put into buying that gift or creating it. I always created cards and gifts for my friends and they would always cherish them.
The good life we have is a gift of God indeed. The more grateful we are, the more prosperous our life becomes. Cherishing a gift gives us a happy state of mind and we will feel happier when we gift someone something they would cherish for life.
When you choose your gift that you cherish, remember to acknowledge all that is good and happy. You have the choice to choose your abundance. Even if you have one gift to cherish, it is more than enough for a long time in your life. We should always choose quality over quantity and emotions over price.
Many times we get gifts from people who did all they could do to give us a happy moment. Always be grateful for that. I have one gift from my friend who is very close to me and it’s been more than 9 years since I got it for my birthday. Every time I see it, it reminds me of my worth and my transformation. It’s a painting of a butterfly with a beautiful message on it. We share the bond where we grow and help each other transform our lives and there is nothing better than a butterfly to represent our friendship.

Day 28 – Where do you wish to travel next?
Travel has become a distant dream for all in this covid-19 situation where it is better to stay indoors and keep yourself and others safe from the spread of the pandemic. But once everything is fine like before and we can roam around freely, we are surely fulfilling our travel dreams.
I want to travel to the mountains when I travel next. It can be as rugged as the Manali-Leh highway or Atal tunnel. I want to be in the snow and chilly weather. I have seldom witnessed snowfall and it is my wish to travel to a place next time where I get to enjoy snowfall.

When you plan your travel, make sure you check the rules beforehand and take all precautions.
Day 29 – Who and what adds meaning to your life?
We all have acquaintances, friends and family, and strangers who form a major part of our life. You never know when you can get a lesson from them. Every lesson whether is good or bad adds a considerable amount of value to our life. We often make decisions based on the lessons we learn and as soon as we realize that living a meaningful life does not have to be a perfect but an accomplished life, we accept ourselves and we know how to deal with various mishaps in our life.

Anyone can add meaning to our life. It can be that stranger you met while going to the office by bus or someone who helped you as a friend and never asked anything in return. It can also be someone who didn’t lend you help even in your worst times. They too will add meaning to your life because they made you stronger and less dependent on others to deal with your problems.
I too have friends, enemies, family, strangers I met while commuting who add meaning to my life, and when you search for the value, it has no boundaries. It can be as simple as helping you understand your responsibilities or helping you to fulfill your dream.
Thank you for reading! Hope I too could add some value to your life.
Day 30 – Write about your childhood ambition
Childhood is a phase in our life that has its own charm in terms of ambitions. One day we want to become a pilot and another day we want to become a doctor. We role-play too and try to feel how it would be if I become what I want to become when I am an adult.
We all had our ambitions and we used to declare it with pride to everyone possible. But how often our childhood ambition turns out to be our ambition in adulthood. Whether or not it turns out to be true later, we all live our ambitions quite well and that is why it is important that we all have dreams and ambitions in all phases of our life. It makes our life lively.
My childhood ambition took many somersaults and I decided to work in a field in adulthood that I had never thought of in my life. Although it turned out to be fine and quite a ray of sunshine, it was nothing I had thought of becoming when I was a child. And sometimes that is okay. We grow and realize our real potential later in our life.
Do not ever feel low if you could not achieve your childhood ambition, I am sure if you look into your current role in your career, you can do much better than you ever thought.
Thank you for reading!

The journey of the 30-day challenge ends here but another journey is waiting so get ready for another 30-day challenge.
Have a great day and life ahead!